Monday, July 9, 2012

I'm not trying to 'make' heaven...

I’m not trying to ‘make’ heaven.

Nowhere in the scriptures are believers told to try to make heaven. Why should we try to make heaven when we are already sited in heavenly places in Christ Jesus?

As far as God is concerned, we are already in heaven.

It’s ridiculous to try and ‘make’ your father’s house. If you see a child begging his daddy to take him home instead of living on the streets, you better report to the police. That man is practicing child abuse. God does not abuse His children. As a true child of daddy God, heaven belongs to you and you belong to heaven.

Yes, the New Testament tells to prepare ourselves for that day. It’s like preparing for a wedding. Sure, I bought a new suit for my wedding. However, the suit does not qualify me neither does it disqualify me. I’m sure Ose would have chosen to marry me, with or without a suit. Sure she put a new wedding dress, but, even if she had jeans on, I would have still married her.
We prepare for heaven because it’s a special day. But our preparation doesn’t take us there. We don’t go to heaven because of what we do, it’s only because of what Jesus did.

I’m a citizen of heaven. So are you, dear believer in Christ. If I mistakenly go to hell, I’d be quickly deported because I’m a citizen of heaven.

One of the reasons our message is not convincing is because we are not sure of where we are going to. How can you preach when you are not sure where you are going to? Why should I follow you when you are not sure of your destination? The Christian orientation must change. Thank God, it’s changing.

By the way, heaven is a temporary resting place for believers. It’s Daddy’s house. When the time comes, we’ll get our own home, a brand new earth. When God created Adam, He didn’t put him in heaven, but on earth.

Are you saved? Relax, God won’t throw you away.  You can’t be saved and lost at the same time.

He that trusts in Him will not be put to shame.

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