Thursday, July 5, 2012

I'm in His will

The book of Hebrews adds an interesting dimension to the concept of covenant. It reveals that the covenant is a testament and a will. The New Covenant is the last testament and will of Jesus Christ. Jesus died that you might inherit His property!
Why is the Covenant referred to as a will?

You cannot use two wills simultaneously. If a man properly composes his will, later changes his mind and writes another. Then, the last will invalidate the previous one. The New Covent invalidates the Old Covenant (Hebrews 8:13).   
The problem is that believers want to combine the two covenants.  The Old Covenant belonged to Abraham’s physical descendants, the Jews of old. The New belongs to Abraham’s spiritual descendants, those who have placed their faith in Christ. Focus on your Covenant.
Of course, we study the whole Bible. We read both covenants, old and new. However, we study the Old Covenant with a New Testament mentality. The old reveals God in shadows and types. The New reveals the complete picture of God in the face of His son, Jesus. Jesus is the best picture God ever took. Jesus is the revelation of our father, God. How does God look? He looks like Christ!

The greatest revelation of the New Covenant is that it takes only one party to make it work! When a man writes his will, he bequeaths his property to another. He most probably worked for his goods, but, another inherits it.
In the New Covenant we inherit Jesus’ property. Jesus did all the work. Our job is to freely receive. We don’t work for any blessing in the New Covenant. The gospel is the revelation of the free things that belong to us in Christ.
Don’t be like the elder brother in the story of the “prodigal son”. He was working for what already belong to him. Working like a servant instead of as a president. The father gave him all but he didn’t know it.

All things are yours. The cross made a difference. Don’t have an Old mentality, possess the new. Prayer is like using your ATM, you are withdrawing what belongs to you. You are not a beggar, Christ’s inheritance is yours. His will covers you.  J
God bless you.

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