Friday, April 16, 2010

Itching Ears

John 3:16 is just too simple, it’s too elementary, we need to hear more…let’s get to the “meat of the word”.

Praying to the Father is for babes, let’s tackle demons. Isn’t it time for warfare prayers and warfare praises?

Giving to God without expecting a miracle in return shows your lack of understanding…it’s time to start giving with selfish ambitions…after all, God planted Jesus to reap us, didn’t He?

I’m your spiritual father; you’ve got to pay tithes to me. Don’t you know that without me you are a spiritual bastard? The Heavenly Father is not enough, you need me… You can’t preach without your pastor’s permission, don’t you know he’s your “covering”? The anointing you have flows from the Head; of course head doesn’t refer to Christ it refers to your General Overseer, the president of your church…

After you are born-again, you need to be “re-delivered”, this gist that simple faith in Christ is enough is DANGEROUS!

If you don’t tithe this month, your loving Father will take His portion through hospital bills, or allow the devourer to do it… You’ve been redeemed from the curse of the law [except the curse of the law of tithing of course ☺].

We need to be re-anointed every now and then you know, the one you received at salvation is just not enough.

If you don’t add good works to your faith you’ll go to hell, after all didn’t James say faith without works is dead?

I’ve heard lots and lots of rubbish…my ears are itching.


Hagere said...

I really do have question - There is a blog flying around on blogspheare about Tithing these days under the title of " What Grace preachers say about Tithing " accusing Joseph Prince is the ONLY grace preacher who teaches tithing among all grace preachers. I disagree - According to my understanding Joseph Prince rarely teach about Tithing and as matter of fact Joseph Prince hardly talk about Money. The reality is the once that claim that don't believe in Tithing talk about Tithing and money day in and day out - Now..who believes in Tithing? Joseph Prince or the once that circulating rumor on blogsphear that Joseph Prince believes in Tithing and talk about it all day long and all night ?" Isn't the Bible says from the abundance of our hearts our mouth speaks"
I am not trying to stear strife and division here I also understand freedom of speech not only lives but rocks and people can say whatever they want unless otherwise.

I also may or may not agree with what they are saying about tithing but the question is this - don't we sometimes need to put down all these doctrine " toys" that we have been playing around with it?

This tithing topic has been going around for soooo long now - It is loosing it is taste because it has been abused. I am getting tired of it too - Isn't time to arrive to a full grown man ( (1 Cor. 3:1) lay aside doctrinal differences and Childishness, enjoy life and help people that need our help?

Here what Witness Lee said about doctorin "toys"

"If we are still divided by doctrinal differences, it is an indication that we are childish. Such divisive doctrines are “toys.” During the early stages of our Christian life, we may be fond of playing with such “toys.” The more childish the saints are, the more “toys” they have. But as children grow up, they gradually lay aside their toys. When people become fully matured, they have no toys at all. In the first few years of my Christian life I dearly loved my doctrinal “toys.” Because these “toys” meant so much to me, it took me a rather long time to drop them. But today I have no “toys.” I have only Christ and the church.

In 1 Corinthians 13:11 Paul said, “When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.” Here Paul indicates that certain things may be “toys.” As the believers grow, they will drop these “toys.” Eventually, by being perfected, they will all arrive at a full-grown man."

Chinedu said...

Hi Hagere,

It's been a long time. I don't really know much about JP's views on tithing. I guess grace preachers differ on this topic. I know Rob Rufus has a mild view.

Unfotunately, here in Nigeria there are lots of churches who have placed lots of believers in bondage. teaching all sorts of extreme nonsense.

That's why I take my stand.

